Monday, January 9, 2012

Big Crowds on the final Day of the Temple Fair

I was intent on going to the fair and buy a bag of roasted chestnuts.
Approached the temple from the lake front, as there was quite less traffic and plenty of parking along the lake front.

The stage for nightly performances had been set up behind the temple, closing off a road and a parking lot

Performers apparently live in these buses

The fair and grounds where quite crowded

Sunday worshipers paid their respect to their lord

After purchasing roasted chestnuts at the fair I passed by the waterfront park and was surprised by the entrance I had not seen before.
Cement tree stumps, probably created for the recent flora show.

My Opinion: UGLY !!

Just inside the park entrance are these plastic letters They've been used as background for many family photographs.

My Opinion: Gaudy !!

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