A bit of a humorous event occurred when one of the dancers, a middle aged gentleman, got so entranced in his dancing, he did not realize he was 20 meters behind the rest of his dance troupe. It looked like he was dancing all by himself for some time holding up the next float.
From appearances he looked like he may have been intoxicated.
I wasn't the only one who thought so. A police officer stepped in and quite politely put his arms on the mans shoulders as if they were friends. His trance interrupted, the man rejoined his group of dancers. From appearances, he was not too pleased at having his dance interrupted.
Sitting in the grandstands was not the best place to view the parade this year. Crowd control seemed to be lacking. Countless people with cameras repeatedly walked in front and blocked the view from the stands. I had to severely crop my photographs. Editing my videos may result in a hack job.
What was missing this year were any spot lights, so photographers had to get right into the parade to get their pictures.
A block down the street there seemed to be no crowd control at all.
Crowds had moved into the street, narrowing the parade route from four lanes to two lanes.
Those stands were now one lane behind the crowd and pretty useless for viewing.

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