Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Good luck and good health to you

It's the season of choices.  Multiple events worth attending.  Many taking place at the same time.  Just a few days ago I had to choose between the Phu Phan Cup finals and a family birthday.  Falily and friends first.
I had a bit of a dilemma, two  birthday party invitations for the same evening.  It was hard, but I had to decline one of the invitations.  The obvious choice of course was family within walking distance from home.  A birthday celebration and a farewell party.
Obviously I got the time wrong and arrived an hour late. Not a problem,  new visitors arrived throughout the evening, replacing departures.
Pu has returned home for a visit, she's returning to England next week and taking her son with her.  Brings back memories when I was that age when I went to America.  Grott is about to experience culture shock, add to that some snow.  At his age he'll be speaking English in six months. 

Obviously many visitors had been there before me, with more to come

Spaghetti, spring rolls, chicken, stew, fish.  The amount of food placed in front of me, mostly wound up in take-home bags

These Bai Sri celebrations The ritual of tying strings around a person’s wrist to preserve good luck,  used to celebrate important events and occasions, like births and marriages and also entering the monkhood, departing, returning, beginning a new year, and welcoming wikipedia
Generally the recipient  has an egg or a piece of fruit in their hand when receiving the string well wishes.  Here is a new variation to this practice:

Sakon Nakhon

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