Saturday, March 25, 2017

Many Thailand Balconies are unsafe. Tourists be warned, especially if you had a few drinks

It's in the news quite often, especially during the tourism high season, someone falling off the hotel balcony.
It was again in recent news:  March 15,

Recently stayed at that hotel and used the third floor balcony to have a smoke. Looking out of the balcony was quite scary.  I did not have a measuring tape with me. The balcony wall reached well below my crotch.  I estimate the balcony wall height at 70 cm (2 feet, 4 inches).   
Of course I am a bit surprised that the hotel has not installed safety barriers or warns guests of the dangers.  Then again T.i.T. and nothing should surprise me.   
There are many such low balcony walls, I've experienced such low walls as high as the 17th floor in another building.  Tourists be warned, especially if you had a few drinks