Tuesday, May 21, 2019

190521 Thai sticks were world renown

Amnesty program ended today to report your possession of marijuana. Not quite sure if they allowed persons reporting the possession to keep it , doubt that.

Been staying clean in that respect and should be able to pass a piss test if one was unexpectedly offered. 

As for legalization it's still years away.  Think government and big corporations will milk the medical purposes as long as they can.

Prefer a joint over alcohol any time. I'm a lightweight when it comes to that stuff a couple of tokes and I'm good for half a day.

It's illegal in Thailand, became so in 1979, pretty sure it was due to pressure from the US Government. Before that Thais were using it in their soups.  Back in the 60's up to the 70's Thai sticks were world renown.

'One of the reasons' I'm contemplating of uprooting very soon is at my age I want to enjoy a toke now and then without having to worry about an offer for accomodations at the local government hospitality facility. One to five year accomodations for minor possession and a fine.

Crazy thing is it's relatively easy and inexpensive to come by, even if you know a few government types. 

There's a couple local expats who are dreaming of becoming local legal distributors. Keep dreaming.

What is a Thai Stick

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