Thursday, February 4, 2010

Are there any flooding dangers in Sakon Nakhon

With headline such as ...Bangkok sinking..., many people are talking about the effects of global warming and are wondering how it would affect the local region.

At an  elevation 161 meters (529 feet), Sakon Nakhon is not threatened by the rise of ocean levels, unlike Bangkok at a six meter (19.69 feet) altitude.

Flooding from the Mekon River into this area is possible in extreme circumstances.  Nakhon Phanom, along the shores of the Mekon, is at an altitude of 179 meters (586 feet).

Local flooding is more often caused by extreme tropical rains.
The most recent flooding which receded within three days was in August 2008.
A minor inconvenience to traffic, with a sewer stench in some parts of the city, most locals used the opportunity and went fishing.

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