Showing posts with label Weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weather. Show all posts

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Feels Hot Today . . .

. . . Then slighly cooler temperatures for the week ahead

สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Next cold spell begins tonight, next warming trend starts next Friday

I compare 9 weather sites on a regular basis. 
All indicate the warm morning temperatures are on hold.
Overnight lows will drop to low teen Celcius and start warming up to upper teens by the next weekend. 
Forecasting cooler temperatures is BBC (9C), while TMD expects the cold spell to last a bit longer.
Forecasts are generally more accurate for the first three to four days

" . . . cold weather increases fine particulate matter (PM2.5) levels. Cold air is denser and traps pollutants near the ground, making air quality worse . . . "

สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

According to forecasters, a few days and nights with unusual temperatures

February overnight temperatures are expected to be mid to upper teens
สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Present low temperatures aren't unusual

Alvin, my former pet squirrel

Started my Sakon Nakhon - Live website in 2007, switched to a blog in 2009.
Reviewing blog entries, I reported 'shivering cold 7C" on 12 January 2009. 
Same 7C headline on January 15, 2014. In December 2017 the forecast was as low as 6 for a couple days. 

Most years cold spells were at 9 to 11C. Occasionally cold spells made my headlines as late as March.
There were also years when December temperatures reached 40C
สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Weather Alert ‼️

Possibly coldest nights of the season ahead

If you rely on an open fire for heat, insure there is plenty ventilation. 

Dressing in layers is recommended rather than one heavy parka.
สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

Friday, January 3, 2025

Cooler nights ahead,
depending on which forecasters are right

Three forecasters agree Sunday night may be the coolest to date this season
สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Regarding Typhoon Yinxing / Marce

NOTE: Weather forecasts beyond two to three days become scientific guesses.

By the time the storm reaches  southern Vietnam it may have diminished to a tropical storm.  The storm should have very little local effect, if any at all.

Interesting to note  is the MSN forcast (click 10 days) plots the storm moving north once reaching the area around Da Nang sometime next Tuesday. Suggesting it may diminish and come our way.

AccuWeather forecasts mostly cloudy with a bit of rain in the afternoon Thursday 14 November, with thunderstorms lasting through early friday.

Wunderground limits rain at of below 20%. Other weather services nixed any chance of local rain

MEANWHILE  Next three days temperatures may drop below 20 overnight
(Image 21 November 2017)

สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

It's official Thai Winter starts today . . .

. . . and has been declared to end 28 February 

 Predictions spreading on social media indicate a cooler than normal winter. Blamed on La Nina.

From personal experience over the past two decades there were maybe a handful of 9C days. Most cool days were in the low teens. 
It's been said that temperatures of 10C and below kill off mosquitoes.
Cooling temperatures also is the start of colds and flu season. I'm already nursing a sore throat.

Forecasts indicate chilly nights ahead.  All depends on location. Obviously mountain areas will experience cooler temperatures. 

สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

Friday, October 25, 2024

I'm guessing I will be watering my plants

Cool this morning. Cooler temperatures expected this weekend. 
six of ten forcaster predict rain Sunday afternoon and  overnight.    
  สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Cool Temperatures postponed

We had a few cool days and hopes were running high for a cool season ahead. Unfortunately the immediate forecast continues with increased huidity, which will feel like it's hotter. 
Next cool spell is anticipated in early November
Variables in temperature forecasts most likely are due to location within the province
สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Tropical Depression Sixteen

Latest update at Wunderground indicates we may be spared from a direct hit.

For updates follow the wunderground link
สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

Storm Heading to our front door

Of the 10 different weather services I monitor, most seem to have varied forecasts. 

While some indicate the heavy rains will reach us over the weekend, YR and Wunderground are forecasting the heavy rain will be Thursday through Friday.

Even the path of the storm differs to some degree.  Just in Case they are right, I'm preparing for a direct hit as forecast by ventusky

At the moment its considered a tropical depression. It could increase in intensity as it moves over water. It is expected to diminish once it enters Vietnam
สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

ONWR warns against heightened water level in Mekong during 18 and 21

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Easing into the rainy season

Sattelite images seem to indicate change in weather patern. Recently arriving from the south and southwest, local weather is now arriving from the north and from the east. The change is very typical for this time of the year

NOTE: Click image for link to updated, current image
A system anticipated today is arriving from the east according to animations  at the weather channel

For now expected rains and/or thunderstorms are forecast as 'scattered / in spots / isolated'
สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

Saturday, May 25, 2024

It's that time of the year,
it could happen again


Always wondered why they dont dredge the lake and reservoirs to save more water as the population increases.
สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Tropical rain overnight, much needed

A few of my hibiscus plants bent from the heavy tropical rains overnight.  
Really gave the ground a well needed soaking.  
I was able to push a bamboo stick three inches into a ground which was hard as rock before the dousing.

Scattered rain is in the forecast every day. The catchphrase is "scattered" translated to  maybe.

My Forecast

Wait a few days till the temperatures heat up again and all that water in the ground becomes humidity

สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

Monday, May 13, 2024

El Niño weakening, neutral conditions may be short lived, La Niña arrival expected June or July

If you want to know when the rainy season really starts, then check when the monks start their rain retreat.

Starts with the Wan Khao Phansa celebrations, this year it's July 21.
Ends with the Awk Phansa celebration on the October full moon.
Day before  Awk Phansa is the Sakon Nakhon Wax Castle parade.

During this period the majority of the weather arrived from the Pacific ocean

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Scattered Thunderstorms. Been hearing that for days, last sprinkle was Tuesday

Pictured is a loop provided by TMD at 7 am 
click image for updated loop
Rain chance
BBC 🕛 45% 🕐 48%
wunderground 🕚 through 🕛 88%
weather com 🕚 through 🕛 88%
YR 🕑 1.8mm
MSN Today mostly sunny skies
สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon