Sunday, July 31, 2011

Nok Ten petered out

Nok Ten petered out long before it arrived locally.
It was obvious that the storm began to dissipate as early as Friday evening.
Locally we had a steady light to heavy rain.  Nothing torrential.

I had emptied and cleaned my water tanks prior to Nok Ten. It took two days of rain to refill 6,000 liters.
During torrential rains these tanks are filled within 20 minutes.

This morning's TV news shows Cars in Nong Kai submerged in water

Personally I'm quite happy that the storm was nothing as predicted locally.
It was a different story in Korea.

Had some tree branches trimmed before 'the storm.'   Obviously they did a half-assed job.  The slight gusts of wind completed the job.
A few of my neighbors are doing a bit of pruning this morning.

There are still storm and rain alerts posted for the area, but I don't see it.

This afternoon's football game, Sakon FC vs Nong Kai, will most likely resemble some sort of  water sport.  Sakon players are used to playing on flooded fields.  Not only do they have the home court advantage, but also the PUDDLE advantage.  Should be great comedy.

Martin is celebrating his birthday today.  He's invited "...any of my friends in Sakon Nakhon or nearby,
You are invited to come to my shop on Sunday for a free drink and some snacks. (after 12.00 Noon).

Spent the rainy days at home recovering photo's from one of two crashed drives.  
I visited Sakon Nakhon for the first time in 2002.  Watched the Wax Castle Parade that year.  
Was a bit of an oddity to locals,  many mistook me for "Santa."


Pattaya Officially Changes Name To

Jaw Breaker

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