Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sakon Nakhon inter - Provincial Youth Games

The Sakon youth football team hasn't done all that well from what I've heard. Didn't do well at all yeasterday, loosing to Mahasarakham in a big way. 

It's not that they didn't play well.  The other team just played a whole lot better

Plenty of interruptions throughout the game. A water truck circled the field to prepare the track for another sport event

From the distance it sounded like drumming band was approaching. It wasn't...

There was a request over the loudspeaker system to temporarily stop the machinery, but I guess you can't hear that on that roller. He continued circling the field

Meanwhile they were busy marking the racetrack the old fashioned way

Think They were preparing the track for a bicycle competition

In the stadium parking lot they were getting ready for volleyball competition

Further in the school complex boxing competitions were underway

Didn't quite figure out what competition they had brought in the bales of hay.

Seemingly the most popular event was lawn bowling.
There is probably a different name for this game with three steel balls. I see them playing this one every day.

With the aid of my decoding ring I was able to determine the games continue through November 5th

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