Monday, December 17, 2012

The Year I led the Sakon Christmas Star parade

Christmas 2003, 2006,2008, 2009
The first year I saw the starlight parade I noticed none of the parade participants were passing out candy.
The following year, the year MACRO opened here in town, I bought five large bags of candy. We timed it at an intersection, merged our vehicle into the parade, and began trowing candy. Unfortunately, Santa's helpers were a bit too eager throwing candy at onlookers.  Within three blocks, Santa's candy bag was empty.

The next year I bought a sh.t load of candy and we parked near the parade starting point.  As the parade was about to get underway, a Sakon Nakhon man in brown (policeman) immediately nixed our plan to merge into the parade.
Of all things, the officer confiscated all candy and escorted us to his police truck. 
There we were introduced to his nieces and nephews.  With emergency lights flashing, we were now in the lead vehicle of the parade. A dozen hands throwing candy at onlookers.
A few of my Thai friends were a bit surprised to see me standing in the lead vehicle

1 comment:

Tom Rolling Stone said...

brilliant story
thanks hans