Alvin has a housemate.
Alvin is two years old, the new female, still unnamed is probably middle aged.
In the wild squirrels live to about 12 years, in captivity over 20 years.
Putting the two in the same cage did not work out.
It wasn't a fight,
rather a territorial dance.
Lady squirrel has a separate cage for the time being.
One morning, while at my computer I heard incessant squealing.
At first I thought the high pitch sound came from birds outside my window.
Not so!!
It took a while, but I finally decided the noise is coming from within.
A baby squirrel an inch tall, on a ripped towel in the cage floor.
The mother had taken it out of the nest.
The screeching only stopped hours later when the mother returned the baby to the nest.
Days of no sounds, utter silence.
I was becoming anxious. Had the infant squirrel died.
Relief this morning, I heard the baby squirrel
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