Saturday, May 17, 2014

Rainy Season to arrive end of May

National News Bureau of Thailand
Meteorological Department- Thailand will enter the rainy season by the end of May

The recent plentiful rains we've experienced have been coming from the north (China), not normally associated with the rainy season.

Weather patterns are beginning change

Temperatures should begin to drop somewhat after midweek, 

from the upper 30's to the lower 30'.  Same for the  feels like temperatures  from the upper 40's to the lower 40s.
Currently we are seeing a phenomenon quite common to  this area.
I call it the doughnut-hole effect.  Possibly a result of the Phu Phan mountains 

The rainy season generally peaks mid July with storms coming from the east. Buddhist Lent also known as rains retreat begins July 12.  It's time for study and meditation.
Contrary to rumours, monks are not restricted to temple grounds during this period, and can be seen in the general public.
Expat Dine & DrinkApple Pit StopRoadhouse

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