Saturday, February 28, 2015

Unseasonably HOT

The week ahead is going to be hot, upper thirties, to low forties.  
Feels like temperatures close to 43C (109F) for most of the week.
Unseasonably HOT and UV index 10 (EXTREME).  Sunscreen highly recommended.  Wear a hat, protect balding scalps.  
Thai Meteorological Department: "During 28 Feb – 2 Mar, the high pressure from China will extend to upper Vietnam, Laos and the South China Sea after that it will lose strength. During 5-7 Mar, another high pressure will cover the upper Northeast and the South China Sea. This affects the strengthening southeast winds that bring the humidity from the South China Sea and the Gulf covering the Northeast, the Central, the East and the South. Thundershowers, as well as gusty wind, will be likely over the areas during both periods."
There is no rain system on the horizon.  Thudershowers would be locally generated.  If the  humidity rises to a point that it feels like you are in a steam room, it's a good indicator of an imminent thundershower.  Local outlook of a thundershower this weekend is 10%
If you are outdoors for any extended period remember heat rises, a wet, cold towel on your head or around your neck will help cool you down.
Hot spicy foods are also recommended.  They cause you to sweat more, thus helping to cool you.

Night time temperature 3 am this morning  24C (at my house) with high humidity.  Expect similar nighttime temperatures for the week ahead.
Expect air conditioned shopping malls to be crowded 
Sakon Nakhon

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