Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Sakon Nakhon Super Amazing

The first video: production in itself is professional quality.  The parade and performances superbly choreographed. Most performers (participants) got into the spirit of things.

Battle of the bands. A couple really great

Heard the band in the distance, rushed, grabbed my cigarettes, wallet and camera. Rode my motorcycle and reached the beginning of the paradeI really felt all parade participants should have shade for their eyes
From album 151219 parade
Some stars of the show required makeup, a helpfull protection from the sun
From album 151219 parade
Some participants luckily were given sun protection

Parading while texting... or is it a video game
The princess lost her silver slippers. 
Stiletto high heeled shoes are not intended for highway trekking

The show must go on, even if it's barefoot on a hot cement
Sakon Nakhon

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