Monday, July 25, 2016

"Use it or lose it."

 It obviously accounts for body strength, to maintain it you exercise.   
I've always been of the opinion the saying also applies to the brain.  That subject is making headlines at the moment.
Image for the news result

I had previously mentioned the purpose of this blog is 'brain exercise.'
Drugs, medication and other factors affect brain functions.
Fluoride is one of those proven factors. 
"...  children who live in areas with highly fluoridated water have “significantly lower” IQ scores ..." huffingtonpost 
Fluoride is destroying your brain:
Makes me a bit curious what effects toothpaste and drinking water have had on me. 
And finally: when we die the brain can remain active for 3 to 7 minutes.  All depends whose research you read.  It explains a lot about those near death experiences of lights at the end of a tunnel and similar experiences.

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