Stay Cool on a really hot day
Yesterday driving my motorcycle in the morning I began to feel quite dizzy. I immediately pulled over in the shade, drank some water, poured some over my head and sat down till the dizziness passed. I'm pretty sure it was heat related.
If you participated in the recent waterfest, then you know, the best way to keep cool on a hot day, get wet and stand in front of a fan (or drive a motorcycle while you are wet).
During these hot days my pool gets daily use
Pool water is starting to warm. When it feels like a hot tub I'll be adding ice, probably later this month. It's an at least once a year event
Misting fans bring some relief from the heat. If misting fans aren't in your future, hang a damp cloth over your fan. Avoid dripping water on the motor housing.
Air conditioners can keep you cool of course, but they also take a bite out of your wallet.
Of course drink plenty of water. Add electrolyte to your drinking habit. If you drink alcohol or coffee, drink extra water. Alcohol and coffee tend to dehydrate.
If you tend to faint easily, monitor your blood pressure
Sakon Nakhon