Sunday, November 4, 2018

Moisturizer soap on my shopping list

US daylight savings time ends this afternoon.  It's only important to note that your favorite live TV shows will be an hour later. Change your alarm settings accordingly 
For today's international televised football schedule see SMM

Local football U19 Sakon Nakhon FC game Sunday 3 pm. The team recently won 3-0 in Mukdahan.

With the Cold Season officially underway, avoid spending that extra moment under a hot shower to avoid that itchy skin and serious skin ailments. Ditch the bar of soap and use a moisturizer.
Hot water: pores open, cold water: pores close

Still have not seen any schedule of the Phu Phan Games, did read somewhere that 21 teams are participating
The games begin with a bit of pomp when last year's winner returns the trophy (as seen in this 2014 video)

สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

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