Monday, April 8, 2019

190408 Things are looking up at Sakon FC, even though the referee seems to be loosing his sight

Arrived at the Mahasarakham stadium with three minutes to spare before the opening ceremony began.  Sakon Nakhon players obviously had one of their better days. The Sakon goalkeeper  was kept busy and prevented the opponents from scoring quite a few times.
Mahasarakham if now in seventh place, while Sakon Nakhon is in eleventh place. 

The placing may not be accurate as some teams have played seven games while other teams have only played six games.

The referee should consider getting a seeing eye dog. My opinion seems to be shared by other Sakon fans. There should have been a few more cards given to the opposition. One should have been red.

สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

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