Friday, May 10, 2019

190510 Scientific approach to the 2017 Flood

Theres a study out of the Mahasarakham University about the 2017 flooding of Sakon Nakhon Province.  Much of the blame is directed at Tropical Storm SONCA, which dropped close to a foot of rain on the city.

Seems to me much of the flooding resulted when water was released from a dam for fear that it might burst. I might be wrong, but doubt it.

The article has a lot of higher learning jargon which make little sense to the average reader.
Interesting is the breakdown of two types of monsoons: southwest and northeast. 
I'd correct the southwest to include west and northwest (as witnessed over the last few days).
The northeast monsoon generally starts around the Buddhist rain retreat
สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

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