Monday, October 28, 2019

Big win Football

The mistake I made was waking up at 3 am and not getting another nap. Three cups of coffee seemed to make things worse.  Two tall beers lessened the upset stomach, but also brought on a bit of sleepiness.

When I arrived at the Sanfun stadium I was greeted and offered access not offered to spectators. 

Been around Sakon City football long enough, so it came as no surprise that I recognized many people and  was frequently wai'ed. The song from Cheers started playing in my head "... where everybody knows your name ..."

BY halftime my favorite team was ahead 5 - 0.  Tiredness got the best of me, I handed the team some 'celebration funds' and made my departure wais.

Final score 7 - 1.

complete album Football at Sanfun

สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

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