Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Carpet Football a growing Industry

Football is a social event with no financial boundaries. 
Both rich and less wealthy enjoy and spectate and participate.

A very obvious pattern of creating a football competition.

  • You can rent or own the sport facility
  • You announce an entry fee and rewards
  • Schedule events, concession and maintenance
The most common local sponsors are government agencies, schools and social clubs

What I call carpet football is slowly expanding as commercial ventures. I've been to three local privately owned stadiums, seen a couple more, but don't remember where
  1. Sanfun Soccer Stadium
  2. The Areais
  3. Green Field
I've sponsored teams for a number of years. It usually involves an entry fee (generally 3,000 to 4,500 baht), Team shirts (average cost) 100 baht each, and water or soft drinks during games.  Let's not forget parties after each win. I always get the player number depicting my age.

 The  next competition starts this saturday.  Our team is scheduled at 4 pm. The games have to be less than an hour each according to this tight schedule.  I think start time may be later than scheduled

สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

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