Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Tourism comeback prediction

Everyone is expecting miracles.  

Used to be buses arrived in packs. That way you only had to herd one large group through the temple grounds instead of many smaller groups.
Many of the tour buses hauled domestic travelers.  Most international tour groups were Asian. Don't recollect groups of western tourists on tour buses

It's been twenty years since I checked in on a tour bus group, the majority were Korean. 
I'll not forget this group till the end of my days.  
All were invited to purchase eggs.  They were then cracked in various ways and the person's fortunes where then predicted by a someone who knew how to read the cracked eggs and explain to the believer.

I've never found cause to make up a story.  I have enough real life experiences.

I did spend some years in the tourism industry, worked as a bellman, maître d, party planner and even busboy in hotels and country clubs.

สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

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