Showing posts with label About Me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label About Me. Show all posts

Friday, May 10, 2024

I'm returning to more Blogger posts and less Facebook

Posted a link from this blog latest weather post to facebook with a commend that I'd rather go swimming than attend Bang Fai. 
Facebook blocked that link / post as hate speech

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

My daily posts on Facebook

Facebook is probably the most used social media in Thailand. 

From Private posts, to business and government agencies, news networks, etc 
I do almost all my communications through Facebook these days. 
It's simpler than blogs, more interaction. 
My daily research does take me to other media.
Recently began tabbing / cataloging my facebook posts

#luanghans  about me and my friends, music I like, travels, opinions 

#sakonnakhonlive  "of interest to travelers and expat"

#sakonnakhonlivecalendar  events calendar

#sakonnakhonfootball ⚽️ You may recognize as SOCCER. 
In the past I sponsored local teams, was team photographer for local professional team

#sakonnakhonliveweather  forecasts and warnings☔️⚡️☀️🌕 

#zooologyx   animals as pets, in the zoo, in the news, bugs and other pests

'Sakon Nakhon-Live' heydays have come and gone. At age 79 I wish to limit my time in front of a keyboard.

Screen Capture July, 2008

สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Take me back in ⏳ time to the sixties 🕺🏻💃🏼Tijuana Brass Hits

The band started in 1962 and was one of my favorite throughout the sixties.
I Joined the U.S. Army in 1963 at the age of 18.

Basic at Fort Ord, pole lineman school in Georgia, 
then assigned to signal Battalion in Germany, duties were mostly translator, interpreter, German instructor. 
After getting someone elses wife pregnant I quickly volunteered for Vietnam Combat duty. 
Arrived at  a Psychological Warfare detachment on new year eve. After reporting for duty I was taken to the government operated whorehouse and got laid for "one dollar." 
Visited Thailand twice that year (1966). 
International Airport shut down for Hubert Humphrey arrival. Had to walk the length of the runway. 


Thai 'LADY' told me "worst sex she ever had," when she realized: "NO TIP."

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

I don't know why I get the pre visa renewal jitters every year

Was sorting through my paperwork for visa renewal which I intended to do later this week. 
Then Monday, 11 am I decided "WHY NOT TODAY !" 

Went to the bank to get the statement and yearly printout. Monday at noon is not a good time to do banking unless you want to wait for a long time. 

Needed to copy my bankbook and discovered all the copy shops operating a year ago were no longer in operation. For a while I was a nervous wreck.  

Arrived at the immigration office shortly before 2 pm, was all done minutes after 2 pm. The whole process about 10 minutes.

I don't know why I always get so nervous days before the renewal, I've been doing this paperwork for the past 19 years.

Still don't understand why some documents are required every year.  Some documents I scanned 19 years ago and resubmit copies every year.  Seems a waste of paper
สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Grey seems to be the favorite color this ⚽️ season


Of 5 previously played games in T3NE(Kongsalaplus) league,
the most seen score is "DRAW."
With a devastating record of no wins, 2 draws, and 4 losses it seems today's away game for Sakon Nakhon in Yasothon is a make or break sort of a game.  
Both teams are at the bottom of the league with Sakon Nakhon 2 points and Yasothon 4 points.


Some teams, more than others, 

are really pressed for cash these days. 


It's the economy, stupid (phrase that was coined by James Carville in 1992).


After the expenditures related to recent eye surgery, even I am tightening the reins on expenditures.  Had hoped to see the game in Yasothon today, but decided to stay within my budget.


สกลนคร Sakon style="width:33%" 

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

I'm part of the silent generation

1925 to 1945 “silent generation” 
1945 to 1964 “baby boomers” 
1965 to 1980 "generation X " 
1981 to 1996 "millennials " 
1997 to 2012 "generation Z" 
2010 to 2025 "generation Alpha" 

 As of 2015, there were some two and a half million people born every week around the globe

สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

Saturday, October 1, 2022

"Open eyes - open wide - close eyes - look here - open eyes wide - close eyes . . . "

Was at the hospital eye clinic, had been given some eye drops and told to wait for the drops to take effect. 

Heard the nurse repeatedly say: 
"Open eyes - open eyes wide - close eyes - open eyes    wide- look here -  open eyes wide - close eyes-    open eyes wide . . . " 
So I followed her instructions. 

When she started giggling I looked and realized she was giving another nurse an English lesson
สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Tightening the purse string

I've given notice that I am discontinuing sponsoring football games. 

It's been anywhere from 3,000 to 20,000 baht for a series of games. 
Enjoyed sponsoring most government and school sponsored games, most which lasted longer than just a weekend. 
Less enjoyment for commercial enterprises where win or lose is based on two to four games total. I'm familiar to at least five commercial football fields in the area. 

Enjoyed meeting people at all these games, but it's time to tighten my belt and spend some money on myself. 

Cataract surgery is top on my list, occasional weekend traveling

Not all response has been happy
สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Tourism comeback prediction

Everyone is expecting miracles.  

Used to be buses arrived in packs. That way you only had to herd one large group through the temple grounds instead of many smaller groups.
Many of the tour buses hauled domestic travelers.  Most international tour groups were Asian. Don't recollect groups of western tourists on tour buses

It's been twenty years since I checked in on a tour bus group, the majority were Korean. 
I'll not forget this group till the end of my days.  
All were invited to purchase eggs.  They were then cracked in various ways and the person's fortunes where then predicted by a someone who knew how to read the cracked eggs and explain to the believer.

I've never found cause to make up a story.  I have enough real life experiences.

I did spend some years in the tourism industry, worked as a bellman, maître d, party planner and even busboy in hotels and country clubs.

สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

Monday, February 14, 2022

Fifty six years since I met you: Thailand

February 1966
It was the same day U.S. Vice President Hubert Humphrey visited Bangkok, when I arrived for a week's "Rest and Recuperation (R+R)."    The airport was on high alert.     Our plane parked at the end of the runway.
We were handed our luggage and pointed in the direction of the horizon where the terminal building should become visible.

That long hike on the runway pavement.... let's just say hot enough to fry bacon. 
By the time I reached the terminal I was as wet from sweat as if I had taken a hot shower with my clothes on.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Thanks for asking

Bee Gees - Stayin' Alive (Official Music Video) 

 My general answer is: "I am is fine." 

At 77 as expected, I'm dealing with a few medical conditions. 
I'm lucky though "I'm staying alive." 

I always know where my motorcycle keys are, occasionally I spend time searching for my dentures though. 

Bum leg. Second injury was just running after some monks. 
When I stand up, the first couple steps are a bit painful, after that it's fine. It's like kickstarting a motor
Been taking blood thinning medicine for a decade. One pill a day, quite inexpensive. Occasionally I have to try to remember if I took one yet.

Then there is that ear infection since age 7. I clean my ear daily with peroxide

Friday, January 21, 2022

Added page: New 411

Starting with Facebook pages I check on a regular basis for the latest news. Includes government offices, social groups and organizations

Should take a few days to update and merge the older list 
สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Birthdays weren't the most pleasant memories


November 1 

All Saints Day

   The holiday to recognize all those saints who do not have their own day. 
   German tradition makes this the day to visit your deceased relatives. A trip to the cemetery to light candles or even have a gravesite picnic.
สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Return to blogging, a lot less Facebook posting

Facebook censured this humorous post of mine, classifying it as spam.  It's a computer generated censure most likely because of the words. 
Much of the oversight is done with software, rather than paid employees.  If I remember there was a big layoff some time ago.

Had neglected this blog for some time, using Facebook because of it's ease. Had a few similar censures recently, subsequently decided to drastically limit my FB posts and concentrate on this blog  and my "  Hollywoody " Blog. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Really stoned while airplane engines explode - AWOL from the Nuthouse - praying to the Valium god

Scene  1

in 1970 I was stationed at Fort Greely Alaska. Had a sweetheart of a job creating and operating a self service supply store. One of my duties was a weekly trip to Fairbanks with a 5 ton.

Scene 2

Developed a severe pain in my hands. Could have been arthritis or frostbite. Pain was worse during the cold season.

Doctor could not find any evidence of injury but recommended I return to warmer weather in the lower 48.  
For the price of some army winter gear, including bear paws he'd sign a medevac for psychosomatic pain

Scene 3

Flight from Fairbanks to Anchorage was military standby. In Anchorage I had to spend a few days waiting for a flight to Seattle.  As I ran out of pain medicine I visited an airforce doctor who gave me some really potent pills. One pill and I was fried.  Flight to Seattle was a seat on a medevac flight from Vietnam.  Rows and rows of bunk beds with casualties.

We were airborne no more than 5 minutes when the external left engine exploded with a  flame trailing the airplane. From the cabin comes the co pilot with a fire extinguisher. I just wondered what was the purpose of the extinguisher inside the cabin.  Apparently the pilot had cut fuel to the engine  and the flame died out.

Minutes of calm until a second explosion, this time on the right side. The co pilot came from the cabin this time without an extinguisher, just to look out the window and confirm that the flame was out.  

At the moment of the second explosion I thought "what the heck," I swallowed five very potent pain pills. Best happy hour ever.

The aircraft circled over the ocean to dump a full load of fuel. A collective sigh at the moment the airplane began taxiing to the terminal.  Due to intoxication from pain pills I required assistance leaving the aircraft. 

Scene 4

Because my medical condition had been listed as psychosomatic pain I was housed in the mental ward at Madigan hospital, just outside Tacoma. I could sign in and out throughout the day. The shrink knew my condition was not mental and my pains weren't as bad in the warmer than freezing weather.  

Scene 5

I was sick and tired of live in the shrink ward.  Went AWOL.  Took a bus to San Francisco, booked into the 'Y," stayed a week till the party money ran dry.

Returned to Madigan and reported myself return from AWOL status.
Funny thing is they had no paperwork and asked me how long I was gone.  I was committed to declaring 'one day.' 

I was summoned to the commanding officer. A photographer was present as I was awarded an Army commendation medal for my job in Alaska.

The room was then cleared of witnesses and I was read the Article 15 punishment 

I was demoted from Sp5 to Sp4, restricted to hospital grounds for 30 days.
The hospital had a movie theater, a snack bar, a commissary.  I was assigned as supply sergeant of the holding company

Scene 6

My hand pains had lessened, but still fired up on rainy and cold days.  The shrink prescribed valium. I got what seemed to be a month's supply.

I must have forgotten taking that first pill. My then girlfriend, later wife, sent the military police on a search.  They found me passed out kneeling in front of the altar at the chapel.  I had placed the empty pill bottle on the altar.  The cops stopped at my locker to search for any other drugs.  I was out cold when my stomach was pumped.

Scene 7

I woke in the recovery room with this intense headache.  I noticed my jacket on the nightstand.  I remember I had aspirin. Other patients in the room saw me taking the pill and streamed 'he's doing it again.' 
A medic rushed in and jumped on top of me.  Trying to make him stop, I choked him with both hands.  

Days later I tried to apologize.  Nothing doing.  I almost killed him.  Other patients had to come to his rescue.

The shrink then asked what sort of assignment I would prefer. I became an instructor at the US army quartermaster school.

Scene 8

Almost two years later, married, I came home intoxicated. Expecting a massive hangover the next morning I put a glass of water on the nightstand and a partial bottle of aspirin in the top drawer. I passed out

I awaken sometime during the night I see the bedroom ceiling, then the living room, then the night sky, then the inside of an ambulance.  I'm strapped in.  I had to spend six hours in the hospital for observation.  That's the minimum required time when a suspected drug overdose is reported. Want to guess where I met my wife ? She was an army nurse.
I asked my first sergeant for a day off because of extenuating circumstances
สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Deeply appreciated the interruption

Half a dozen friends visited as a group very unexpectedly and did the Songkran ritual, placing flowers in my hands and pouring water onto my hands.  
GOOGLE In Buddhism water "symbolizes life,  purity , clarity and calmness , and reminds us to cleanse our minds and attain the state of purity . Water is used to clean away dirt ." 

สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

Sunday, March 29, 2020

200329 I'm a medical 'super high risk'

Back in early January I came down with what I considered a serious case of bronchitis.  

During a few days of high fever I locked my gates and turned my regular visitors away.  The fever dissapeared but the chest pains continued, persisting over the past two months.

The main problem I still have is mouth breathing while I sleep.   It's causing dry throat and is not helping getting rid of bronchitis symptoms. 

Add to that a lifelong history ear infections since age 7.  The ear infection has been permanent over the past two years.  

I am immune to antibiotics.  I have to clear my ear passage a few times a day.

The ears are connected to the sinus. I have to take daily medicine to clear my sinus.

How I am still alive is beyond my comprehension.  
Not finished yet

สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Some rain, some sunshine and some social distancing

Last night that 22:10 thunder which turned on all my motion detector lights sounded more like a a major bomb explosion reminiscent to my RVN days .

TODAY: Possible thunderstorm scattered rain is in the forecast thru this morning. Afternoon feels like temperature may reach as high as 38
Did not hear of any public announcement, 
just two facebook announcements

Noticed a few establishments had not gotten the word as of last night.
Still allowed a group of kids to use my pool yesterday. Did check the chlorine level and kept my distance. Posted the 'Pool Closed' sign mid afternoon. Also had some visitors late afternoon. That was yesterday.  Today I'll hang up the 'No visitors' sign.

สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

Thursday, January 2, 2020

At the end of a decade, south end of town

By 10pm traffic seemed almost nonexistent.  Driving through the neighborhood I noticed many family parties.  A local bar which was overflowing the day before was barely at 50 percent. A few restaurants closed early.

A local road checkpoint was set up but not manned Monday or Tuesday evening.  It may have been different in other parts of the city.

Midnight fireworks seemed a lot less than in past years.  Within 20 minutes the night was silent.
I visited fiver neighborhood parties and was home before midnight.
สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

191126 Your phone knows where you've been

Most days I do local shopping I don't carry my mobile phone.  

Long journeys I take my phone with me and know exactly what it's doing:  It's listening in and taking note of all the places I've been.

Have no doubt. 

Log on to google, open google maps, then open the menu on the left side. Scroll down and click on your timeline.

On November 19 I traveled to Sawang Daen Din. Google even discovered some of my photography that day and added them to the timeline.

November 22 I traveled to the University to watch another football game with a stopover at Udomchai Electric.  Google Maps  noted after the game  I stopped in at the Champions bar.  Went home for a moment then off for some fun at the football field three minutes from my house

A whole year of travel is available for scrutiny. so why do we need TM30?

สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon