Sunday, March 29, 2020

200329 I'm a medical 'super high risk'

Back in early January I came down with what I considered a serious case of bronchitis.  

During a few days of high fever I locked my gates and turned my regular visitors away.  The fever dissapeared but the chest pains continued, persisting over the past two months.

The main problem I still have is mouth breathing while I sleep.   It's causing dry throat and is not helping getting rid of bronchitis symptoms. 

Add to that a lifelong history ear infections since age 7.  The ear infection has been permanent over the past two years.  

I am immune to antibiotics.  I have to clear my ear passage a few times a day.

The ears are connected to the sinus. I have to take daily medicine to clear my sinus.

How I am still alive is beyond my comprehension.  
Not finished yet

สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

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