Tuesday, November 26, 2019

191126 Your phone knows where you've been

Most days I do local shopping I don't carry my mobile phone.  

Long journeys I take my phone with me and know exactly what it's doing:  It's listening in and taking note of all the places I've been.

Have no doubt. 

Log on to google, open google maps, then open the menu on the left side. Scroll down and click on your timeline.

On November 19 I traveled to Sawang Daen Din. Google even discovered some of my photography that day and added them to the timeline.

November 22 I traveled to the University to watch another football game with a stopover at Udomchai Electric.  Google Maps  noted after the game  I stopped in at the Champions bar.  Went home for a moment then off for some fun at the football field three minutes from my house

A whole year of travel is available for scrutiny. so why do we need TM30?

สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

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