Friday, January 10, 2025

Planning to add more security cameras, as it turns out to be inexpensive and essential

Had a security camera installed a number of years ago. 
Had a few thefts and also unfounded rumors of wild goings on.  
This one is IMOU brand, it's hot wired into the electrical system, large capacity memory card, and accessible from anywhere through the cloud.

While I am at home the motion sensor notification is deactivated, my dog Lucy is enough of a motion sensor. 

A few months back I was missing some money I had laying around inside my house.  By checking the camera log I was able to determine that the culprit was a woman and a young accomplice.

I am now researching other brand name systems, as this is a double lot with multiple entrancesสกลนคร Sakon Nakhon
สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

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