Showing posts with label Cannabis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cannabis. Show all posts

Friday, January 6, 2023

Pot Nausea

Some selfclaimed experts in the field of Marijuana Consumption will claim "NO HARM!" They are very wrong. 

It's different from person to peson. My mother complained of nausea after smoling a joint (three decades ago). And swore to never touch the stuff again. 

Heard of a similar experience a friend recently went through.

I have some weed with my morning coffe and get slightly nauseated each morning. The problem dissapears as soon as I eat solid food. 
According to various articles, marijuana smoke tends to irritate the stomach lining, causing stomach discomforts and dausea. Severe cases can lead to repeated vomiting (moreso in younger users according to some research). 
Probably explains some of my stomach problems

สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon