Flying, crawling, slithering, running Pests,
they are all intent to use your home as a fine dining establishment.
During the rainy season, it's not just food they are after, but sheltered places to take up permanent residence.
Plants touching your house create ideal walking paths for ants and other insects. Trim all branches.
Cracks in cement or tile floors and walls provides protection from being seen.
Inspect and patch the exterior of your home regularly.
If you're using silicone to seal crevices, make sure it says fungi resistant, especially in high humidity areas. Inexpensive silicone will begin to harbor fungus in just a few weeks. Looks Ugly
Used silicone on a wall exposed to the sun. Cracks started showing after six months of extreme heat. -
I prefer fungi resistant grout on cement surfaces. It just seems to adhere better and last longer.
Whichever you favor, get the high quality stuff, unless you wish to make repairs frequently.
I use grout even for bricklaying.
In the Bath Flowerpots and knickknacks may be pleasing to the atmosphere.
They create dark hiding places for all sorts of bugs.
Clean under sink storage areas frequently
Constantl wiping, constant cleaning.
If you're not ready to wash the dishes immediately after eating, submerge them in a sink or bucket filled with soapy water.
A large majority of bugs have a distaste for dish soap. It kills 'em.
If you leave dishes with scraps on the kitchen counter,
you might also wish to install some flashing neon signs "
When the fumigation is done it's time to bring in the troops and do some industrial strength cleaning.
Of course when the rainy season ends, the flying bug season gets under way.
Something to look forward to.
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