Saturday, February 8, 2014

When Celebrations Collide in Thailand

Valentine Day vs Makha Bucha Day

Valentine  died on February 14, according to the Catholic Church, which declared this day Saint Valentine Day.

The story of his death may well be legend:

In the roman days only single men were required to enter military duty.
This created a shortage in the military ranks.
A ban on marriage was imposed, which the Christian priest Valentine ignored, performing marriage ceremonies for soldiers.

While in jail, his prayers healed the jailer’s daughter who was suffering from blindness.
After his execution a note was found written by him: "Your Valentine."

Before Valentine

February 14 was celebrated in honor of the roman goddess of marriage, Juno
The story of Juno may well be legend:

Girls names where written on a slip of paper which was placed in a jar.  Boys then picked a name and were partnered with the girl for the duration of the three day festival.  Participants were said to have been age 14.

Before Juno

Lupercalia was honored with fertility rites on February 14

Saint valentine remains a saint, but the Saint has been removed from most calendars, as the celebrations continue to be focused on love, sex, and promiscuity.

February 14, 2014, the third full moon day.
For Buddhists it's a day to celebrate Buddhas teachings. In Thailand, this teaching has been dubbed the 'Heart of Buddhism'.
The day is celebrated with a candlelight procession.
Alcohol sales are forbidden on this Buddhist holy day

aka: National Beer wrapping day
aka: Alcohol in a coffee cup day
aka: Bar doors half open day

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