Friday, August 2, 2019

190802 It's the next best thing to ankle tracking bracelets

Expats beware:  If you travel and stay overnight in a hotel or guest house, that facility is required to report your whereabouts. You must now fill out form 30 when you return home.  Can be done online. Violators will be fined.  It's the next best thing to ankle tracking bracelets which had been talked about a few years ago.

Haven't seen any official statements, yet I suspect dengue is on the rise locally. Know of a number of people hospitalized.

Tropical depression may dump some tropical rains locally starting Saturday, heavier on Sunday. It may lose a lot of momentum once it hits land near Hanoi later today

Tried the hot spoon trick and it definitely takes the sting out.  I still prefer to treat a mosquito bite as a pimple, break it open and drain the fluid out and dab it with some alcohol

Moved the holiday calendar into a scroll bar above. Will add to it in the coming days.

สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

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