Sunday, January 19, 2020

200119 The great plastic bag hoax

It's nothing more than big business cutting down on customer service.
Remember when gas station attendants cleaned your windows and offered to check your oil or tire pressure.  
These days you do it yourself.

Remember when groceries had a checkout clerk and a bag boy or girl.

Used to shop weekly at Big C. Generally six to seven bags per week. 
Never could figure out why they did not use larger bags. 
I put them into two larger bags to hang them on my handlebars.
Also never could figure out why they did not offer to return those bags for reuse.

Most store items are packed in plastic.  Even a six pack of cans comes wrapped in plastic.
I save my large bags and reuse them. All those food wrappings aren't reusable and fill a large trash bag per week
I'm guessing my weekly plastic waste could be compressed into a small brick. 
Separating other waste from plastic I use a small basket each week for trash
สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

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