Saturday, July 23, 2016

Esarn Football Dictators in black suits

First of all let's be clear, at football games there are no posted signs forbidding the use of horns or whistles by fans.  In fact many teams sell horns to their fans to cheer their teams.   
Occasionally you find these guys in black suits who decide to set up their own rules.  These are not published rules.  These are rules established by the black suits when they feel like it.  
There once was a group of fans using guitars to cheer on their team with songs.  That was squashed by the black suits.  There have been incidents when the black suits politely asked not to use bullhorns or other noise makers.  At least they were polite about it.  
This time the black suit just went too far.  The black suit had already advised a fan not to use the horn.  Minutes later the fan blew a whistle.  Again the black suit informed the fan the whistle was inappropriate.  So the fan stopped.   
The black suit was not satisfied and sent a police force to confront the fan.  Four police officers surrounded the fan from all sides. It was time to leave.  Let's reiterate,  I have yet to see rules 'posted at stadiums' that fans should sit in silence.  I have heard comments that the noisemaker should sit on the other side, no protection from sun or rain.  In that case admittance should be free. It's not the team's doing, it's these Hitler like black suits who act like dictators.  

They allow speaker systems so loud that I felt my trousers vibrate from the base. But fan noisemakers are forbidden. Yet road flares, which are more of a dangerous nuisance aren't questioned

No wonder attendance is sparse.   
Rules should be universal at all games, published and posted, not made up by black coats who feel superior.

Sakon Nakhon

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