Saturday, March 22, 2025

Is it real or is it fake, hard to tell

"The North Face" products are made in a number of Asian and South American countries and in South Carolina.
Depends on the product. Can be a hat, a jacket, footwear or backpack, or tent.


Did some online research in trying to determine if my hat is the real thing or fake. Can't tell.  

The quality seems to be perfect.  The hat has lining which also seems to be good quality 

It might be fake based solely on the fact that I bought the hat at a street market, instead of a sport store.  But then again that is not so unusual in Thailand.

Years ago I bought a GUCCI sweater from a street vendor, it was the real thing. It's been known that underpaid laborers sneak out a product from the factory to enhance their income
สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

Air quality unhealthy for sensitive groups

Having just survived another bronchitis infection, I consider myself in the sensitive group. 
During the dry season there's plenty of dusty farm fields, unpaved highways, dust everywhere.  Add a light breeze with occasional heavy gusts and you have 'dirty air.'

I've tested the air at different locations around my house. Air seems to be more polluted around windy areas

My small pool is a good example of pollution, dirt at the bottom of the pool two days after cleaning it. Stuff floating on top is just as bad.

During the hot and dry summer months it's important to clean the air conditioners with regular frequency.  The accumulated dirt is just unbelievable.

Sakon Nakhon City installed a number of air quality sensors throughout the area last month. Think in an effort to calm fears.

Sakon Nakhon air quality map | IQAir 
สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Alcohol Advertisement to become legal again in Thailand

It's not quite official yet, but alcohol advertisement is about to become legal again. Afternoon sales restrictions may also be nixed.

It will also mean your pictures on social media depicting all sorts of alcohol will become safe from possible prosecution and fines.

U.S. taxes and FBAR due April 15

If you owe US taxes then you must submit no later than April 15th. 
If you do not owe any money, or expect a refund overseas filers have an automatic extension until October. 

If your foreign bank account had more that $10,000 at any time in the previous year, you must file an FBAR (Foreign Bank Account Report) by April 15

สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Many new hotels in the past decade, and more to come

Back in 2009, before there were any local hotel listings, I had made a list of local hotels for this blog, with with the help of Martin.  There were only a handful at the time. 

These days you can't count them on two hands.  I imagine occupancy rate is quite low with a few exceptions. My opinion is based on empty parking lots.

For my travels I use Google map frequently to find a hotel.  
Most often letting a Thai make reservations over the phone turns out less expensive than using online reservation services.  
A number of times when an online service indicated no rooms available, the hotel actually had plenty of accommodations available.  Some hotels limit the availability to online vendors.
สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Parts of Phu Phan Highway widening project underway, limited visibility especially at night

สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

You can't take it home with you

Frequent occurances in the news as foreigeners attempt to take home a stash of marijuana. Even though the stuff is legal within Thailand, it's not legal to take on international flights out of the country
สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

Vaping is illegal in Thailand

Feels Hot Today . . .

. . . Then slighly cooler temperatures for the week ahead

สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon