Sunday, December 14, 2008

Thai Toilet Etiquette

I was brought up in Germany right after the big war.
Toilet paper in those days was capable of sanding wood splinters.

In the late fifties I moved to the U.S. when squeezable softness reigned.

Now I am in Thailand.

The home toilet is the "Water Room - Hongnam"
Most Thai toilets are squatting toilets. They do have some benefits:
No physical contact with the seat, thus contagious contact is eliminated.

Not being used to those things,
I once lost my balance and caused severe back injuries,requiring emergency room treatment

I have avoided asking for instructions how it's done with a bowl of water.

  • My Home Toilet is "Thai Modern,'
  • Most Thais need special instructions on their use

Pot scrubbers are a healthy alternative to toilet paper.
They do the required cleanings job and flush the toilet.

As with anything else "foreign" it's a learned skill unless you prefer
Pot scrubber enemas

We use toilet paper as Kleenex or napkins.
Don't be surprised seeing a roll of the paper on a restaurant table for use as napkins

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