Monday, May 25, 2009

Sunday Adventures

Sundays is gardening day at my house. The gardner shows up every Sunday morning.
Today I can say he earned his keep. Remove over a dozen bamboo trees, roots and all.
Planted too close to the hanger, they started to cause damage to the tin roof.
They are not the kind of tree you want four feet from your house.

On the other hand, some bushes in front of the house are at their seasonal prime.
A lilac smell in the air. I'm still waiting for internet "scratch and sniff.

After gardening was done, it was time for a prearranged trip to Sawitree Cafe.
Heard about the place, nothing but praise. A Must Go SEE.
Quite pleasant place. Mostly done in wood, gives you a feeling of and earlier Thailand.
Back in the sixties, before everything changed to cement.

I had a latte. I prefer a shot of rum in my latte. Sorry not available at this time.
For a Sunday afternoon, the place seemed at capacity.
By mid afternoon, two Germans, a Brit, Belgian, and the Assie owner sat around chatting.
For every round of beer ordered, an extra bottle arrived each time. Must have been a spirit sitting with us.

Then my embarrassing moment: I went to the toilet.
Unfortunately the pictures identifying mens and women's restrooms looked identical to me.
I had to choose. I peeked in. They looked identical. I used neither.
I looked at the garden, played with a puppy and returned to the gathering.
Everyone had watched my indecision, it was a laughing matter

I should have taken a few more pictures, but I'm still somewhat in recovery mode. Not quite ready for that sort of thing.

Sawatree will have it's official opening June 9. Worth a visit.

Note: Location is approximate, will correct when I am informed

Chicken dinner was waiting for me when I arrived home. Four pain pills. A very early good night 6:30 p.m.

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