Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Honest answer
Comment received:
Thats not you who swallowed his teeth,was it?

In yesterdays news on the net it was reported that a person succumbed while choking on his dentures. Poor Fellah. At least it was somewhat painless, blackout and it's over.

Was not me, but I did something equally as stupid!!
Overdid it on drinking fresh turmeric tea on an empty stomach.
After the third cup the toilet seat became a headrest for over an hour.
The instructions did say after eating, twice a day.
U.S. politics: When does the main feature begin

Rainy Season:
Locally there really hasn't been all that much rain. Most of the rain had been bypassing us. My water tanks were at the 500 liter level. Yesterday we finally had a bit of a tropical storm and the tanks filled in less than 20 minutes (6,000 liters). The heavy rains cooled the humidity quite a bit.

For the moment it's cool and overcast, and from the looks of things .... more of the same.

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