Sunday, August 2, 2009

Malaria, Nuclear Ambitions, and Utter Nonsense

Drug resistant Malaria brewing in Cambodia and

Experimental malaria vaccines successful. Follow up research pending. sciencedaily

Burma is building a nuclear reactor with North Korean help Huffington Post
Cambodia and Laos want nuclear power plants.
Why not an alternative solar or wind power. Or even PooPower CNN

And then there is the Thai official who declared with some pride
"We don't have as many airport scams as Bangkok." phuketwan

1500 Century London must have smelled like a barn. Funny Mail
And while we're on the subject, all those Brits complaining how their Queens English is being slaughtered by the rest of the world.
Just look what your ancestors have done.
English originated from the Germanic languages. Jawohl !! Ganz Bestimmt !!

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