I went yet to another Family birthday party.
This time it was a double header:
The twins where both on leave from the military to celebrate the event with the family.
It was another pleasant evening out.
A few tables from us, three obvious ladyboys were enjoying the all you can eat fare.
Probably in their mid twenties, they stood out like three trees in a meadow. They were that tall.
Thai ladies, the natural ones, generally dress quite reserved and proper in public.
"Modified" ladies tend to show more cleavage. I guess they want to show off their new acquisitions.
The cleavage did look appealing, but they all looked alike, mass produced, not quite the way nature does it.
Reminds me of the soft-drink commercial: : "Can't beat the real thing"
Well, where are the pictures?
Well show us some pictures of the real thing!
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