Monday, June 6, 2011

Major E coli defense program at my house


Thai airports on alert after E coli outbreak

I'm always on the alert in such matters.  I have a very sensitive stomach.  Five or more cups of coffee in the morning probably doesn't help that.  Cold drinks during or after a meal slow down the digestive process.  If you have an upset stomach the cold drinks will of course prolong the discomfort.

How soup, or a hot drink at the end of a meal speeds the digestive process and lessens discomfort.
My grandparents had the best solution after meals.
They called it a Hot Toddy.  It sure relaxed me after a meal and made me feel great!
Many bugs develop a resistance to medicines, but I haven't heard of any surviving alcohol.

Major E coli defense program at my house Sunday evening

All televised football games where re-runs, but I found plenty of other things to entertain my guests, including appetizers and drinks.  It was really a fun evening having neighbors over.  There were seven of us indulging..
Note to self:  restock bar

Brawl at the AIS Regional League 2011 games
Samut Sakhon vs Angthong
Samut Sakhon is approximately 45 km southwest of Bangkok

Watch this Video it's GREAT:  Lucky Escape

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