Monday, December 12, 2011

Sakon Nakhon Dragon Festival 2011

Not too many dragons came out of hiding this year. it seemed like a  a very downsized celebration.
No participant cobra performers, no painted faces.
Female participants were in their daily garb, no fancy dressed ladies.

Even the starting times had been changed.  I was  almost two hours early when I arrived at the temple. The police detail responsible for the safety of the event hadn't yet arrived.

You gotta admire and respect those Sakon Nakhon guys in brown. 
They did a fine job insuring that the day ended without accident or injury marring the celebrations.
Juggling uninterrupted traffic and a parade.  On top of it all frequent deafening firecrackers.


I arrived early at the temple. Folks where eating breakfast and drinking coffee.
I received dozens of very friendly 'hello's and a cup of coffee.

Trinket sellers accompanied the parade from start to finish. 
Didn't whiteness any sales.
It was really a fun day

Someone could make money selling earplugs at these events
Protective masks and goggles would probably also sell well

It was really a fun day

You could identify businesses wishing to be blessed, by offerings tables in front of their business

Unlike a bull in a glass shop, these dragons caused no breakage when they entered a business

Kids searched for unexploded fireworks after each celebration
View the  entire Album of the Sakon Nakhon 2011 Dragon Festival

1 comment:

CiHaN said...

i was in the festival too yesterday. we had a great fun day with my wife. thanks for letting us know about this festivals schedule. those explosives are very very noisy i agree with you. after the first one they fired in front of the wal supermarket everybody in running away. the sponsor of this festival is wal supermarket so the first blessing happened in this shop