Saturday, October 15, 2016

Cyclers have the right of way in designated lanes

In many parts of the city, the curb lane has been halved allowing for a bicycle lane.

This doesn't mean cars can not use the curb lane, it just means they have to yield to cyclist.
Except on special occasions, isn't that much use for these lanes.

Of course in many parts of the city cyclists lose their right of way to parked cars.  something that wasn't planned all that well.  The few cyclists I have seen tend to ride side by side, one using the proper lane, the other not.
The bike lanes heading into the Phu Phan mountains don't conflict with vehicle lanes, it's a seperate lane shaded by trees.

Used to ride a bike during my pre-teen and teen years.  Tried it some years ago here in town.  After the second and third pothole, I was ready to see a bonecrusher (chiropractor) for realignment.  I'd need some heavy duty shock absorbers
Sakon Nakhon

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