Saturday, October 28, 2017

Expat Health Issues

Sometime before 2010 I got shingles. Not knowing what it was, I let a well intentioned friend take me to a nearby healer. So for three days I visited the 'healer."
On a wooden front porch, the healer chewed a leaf, added water to the mixture, then spit the liquid on my sores (mostly around my midriff .
I must admit, it killed the pain for most of the day. No cure though.
Three visits to a local hospital got me some injections and a whole lot of pills, a big sack full. 
As a last hope I went to a local druggist, who looked at me and told me what I had and gave me the right medication.
These days I am taking stop smoking medication QUOMEM and experiencing a whole bunch of side effects. Stomach cramps, plenty 'gas.' Body aches all over... all my previous injuries seem to be having a mass reunion.
My question today was 
สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

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