Sunday, March 31, 2019

Sakon Nakhon Tap Water

It must be emphasized that the test of my water does not necessarily reflect on water quality in other parts of the city.

A recent article proclaimed that Bangkok tap water is palatable (drinkable).

There are variations in palatable water sources. Drinking water in a different location may cause some upset stomach until your body adjusts. 

Acceptable ph levels for drinking water is 6.5 to 8.5. I would not recommend drinking local tap water due to the chlorine levels, even though within acceptable levels, if you are not accustomed to that level your vacation can include upset stomach and frequent stays to a local throne room

Been using local tap water for coffee and cooking for over a decade. Also been using it for brushing my teeth and dentures.

If your water source is a water tank of any kind: DON"T DRINK THE WATER.  Chlorine tends to dissipate when exposed to air within a short period. Fungus and other waterborne bacteria and viruses  flourish quickly.

Dishes washed with tank stored water should be totally dry before reuse.

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