Thursday, February 27, 2020

Sanitize and disinfect with bleach

US public health services recommends 2 tablespoons of bleach for each four cups (1qt) of water. 
This will give you a 1000+ ppm disinfecting solution.

A stronger solution of bleach and water is recommended for cleanup such as diarrhea and vomiting.

Bleach should be applied to an area and left there for an average of ten minutes. Bleach dissipates slowly when exposed to air.  If it dissipates in under 10 minutes a stronger mixture is recommended.

One tablespoon of bleach per gallon of water (50-200 ppm sanitizing solution)  is recommended when cleaning food utensils, counters and tables

I have used a 25% bleach water mixture in a spray to ward off snakes. A stronger sprayer is recommended.

สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

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