Monday, September 6, 2021

No Callbacks yet

I have been registered three times for vaccination, no invites yet.  

I'm suspicious that  the registrations were meant more of an appeasement of the masses because the roll out had a snail like start.

Meanwhile I've lived a semi hermit existence.  I realize the mask is essential for survival with greater emphasis due to my age and health.

I've closed down my pool, now chase away occasional stragglers expecting the free use of the pool.  

There are plenty of  people willing to run errands for me. I only shop monthly myself.

Football game still gets me out of the house. I got this $3,000 zoom lens, helps me keep my distance.

When I start editing through my pictures I often realize there where friends there, I did not spot in real time.

Even though it was a big loss, the game was exiting with plenty of unanimous groans emphasizing the close calls.  I hope they find a fix for whatever went wrong by the time they get on the road to Loei.

Wish I could travel to Loei next week, instead I am praying for a live Facebook feed.

สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon

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