Friday, April 28, 2017

Rain possibly Saturday afternoon,
more likely Sunday

It's summer in Pattaya

Sakon Nakhon

Disney Sea World Thailand maybe

The answer is YES :: There will be the
2007 Royal Longboat Regatta
and Wax Castle Festival

Of course it's been a question on my mind.   
Many events had been cancelled or 'scaled back' in honor of HRH the king, who had passed away in October of last year.
That's the Sakon Nakhon Municipal (City) page on facebook

Sakon Nakhon

Wait till all the facts are known

Media is always in a rush to be first with a news story.  Makes common sense to wait a while till all the facts are known 
Four Thai rangers killed by bomb in restive south - The Express Tribune
 Six Thai rangers killed in ambush in restive south,  - The Straits Times
Four died at the scene, 2 died at the hospital
Sakon Nakhon

Thursday, April 27, 2017

There's a chance

Sakon Nakhon

Lil Pimp Open for Lunch

And the food is really great

Sakon Nakhon

Thai Media online

Most recent news articles summarized on one page
Sakon Nakhon

Anxious people more likely to spread dread rumors, they actually believe are real

Groups tend to spread rumors to feel better about themselves to drive wedges between groups

Human behavior has been an interest since my college days.
Body language tells a lot more than what's coming out of the mouth.
My recent encounter with a false rumor about me sparked an interest to learn more about Rumors
The video is by Andy Luttrell of 'Be a People Expert.'

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Watch out for those people who are nice to your face, but spread total lies about you

One of the benefits of not learning to speak Thai is that I don't hear rumors.  Occasionally I hear 'farang' in a conversation and realize they are talking about me. I just smile.
Since I arrived 13 years ago the local expat community has grow from a handful to hundreds. And so has the rumor mill.  Much of those rumors are blatant lies and half truths. 
In my case I can honestly state the only infection I have is a permanent ear infection.  I've had that on and off since age seven. It's more permanent these days.   
Recently had my yearly blood, stool and other tests. All tests were negative with an annotation that my cholesterol is a bit above normal.   
As for my sexual relations in the past 13 years, you can count them on two fingers.  I do what I call heart exercise most mornings.  No complaints, no backtalk from "the hand."I actually prefer a massage more than sex. 
There seem to be plenty people who have nothing better to do than to find faults in others and exaggerate them beyond reality

Silly stuff

Slight warming trend next week

TODAY: Partial cloudy, scattered shower in afternoon
Sakon Nakhon

Wear Protection

9,000 servers in Asia infected.

Hackers using NSA Spy Tools
Sakon Nakhon

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

October 26 declared national holiday

His Majesty the Late King’s cremation is on that day
funeral rites will occur Oct. 25 through Oct. 29.

more details here

Not the kind of pet I want to keep

Heavy rains yesterday afternoon

 Drainage worked great

One of my trees fell over during the heavy winds and rains

Replanted it, seems to have survived

Tree fell on a  pineapple, so that is propped up 

When I stepped out of the house in the late evening, I almost stepped on a scorpion.  That was the second one this week, in fact the second one in 13 years around my house.  Whacked it with a shovel.  Scorpions are nocturnal creatures.  They hide in dark places during the day and forage for bugs at night.  Not the kind of pet I want to keep 
Sakon Nakhon

Stock up for a rainy day

Yesterday's storm was a good indication of what's yet to come. Power outages and internet disruptions. Most of the time they won't last all that long, but not all the time.   
Of course during lightning storms stay out of the swimming pool.  It's also a good idea not to walk barefoot, especially on wet grounds.   
Time to turn on that battery operated fan to drive the humidity away.  A flashlight should be within easy reach 
Fully charged laptops, tablets or mobiles and some saved music and movies come in handy during outages. Laptops are generally good for 4 to 6 hours, depending on what you got.   
Some movie providers let you download movies. There's plenty of youtube movies you can download.  Add a movie download extention to your browser and stock up on entertainment for a rainy day.
Added to the sidebar →  →
"Movie Playlist"
some of my favorites youtube freebies.
Sakon Nakhon

Added a few calendar events in the sidebar ... →→
Events Ahead

Image may contain: one or more people, hat, guitar and text 

... and an online bus service
Sakon Nakhon

This may well be the earliest start of the rainy season

Our weather continues to arrive from the northwest. 
Further east of us, the Phillipines are targeted by storms. 
Our rainy season generally peaks with weather arriving from the east 

If accuweather is accurate this may well be the earliest start of the rainy season. May starts off with a week of warm weather, but rain forecasts outnumber the sunshine forecasts in may
Sakon Nakhon

Monday, April 24, 2017

Weather arriving from the Northwest
Slightly cooler temperatures
! ! ! Intermittent heavy rain

Sakon Nakhon

"ilike" to see where I'm walking at night

Been wanting Solar lamps for my garden.  Had some before and they lasted a couple years. They were more expensive then.  

Testing out this inexpensive solar unit. Seems quite bright.  Lasts all night.

After a trial period I may decide to disconnect and replace night perimeter lights.

One consideration:  Theft proof installation !!

Had some ripped off years ago
Sakon Nakhon

19th German Bundestag election
September 24, 2017

„Informationen für Deutsche im Ausland“

"Information for Germans abroad"

Die Wahl zum 19. Deutschen Bundestag findet am 24. September 2017 statt.

Sakon Nakhon